Friday, July 8, 2016

Today, dance

There is nothing more beautiful then a full moon rising. Tonight the moon is closer to the earth and
will look huge. Even if you don't do anything else for yourself today get out and dance, lift your arms to the heavens, and enjoy this wonderful event. Whether you are alone or with someone makes no difference. Play, laugh, and dance people, dance. Celebrate your life, for there is no promise of tomorrow.~loulou

Today, I Stand.

I stand with the Police, I stand with the Public Servants, I stand with the homeless, the veterans, the poor, the uneducated. I stand with humanity because I believe you should love your neighbor as yourself. I stand for my rights to be treated fairly and justly by all whether you agree with my beliefs or not. I stand with you, even though you may not share my beliefs. I stand with those who treat me unfairly because I can walk away from the treatment, but still care for you as a human being. I stand for all because it is the right thing to do. I am also standing for laughter, peace, courtesy, equality, smiles, handshakes, hugs, and the empathy of others who have been through hard times. I stand for comfort, compassion, caring, and tears. Most of all I stand for love... Loulou